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How I Meal Plan

2018-02-16-Submitted-Thompson-Produce-CSA-Box-3Meal planning is a really loaded concept. Everyone and their dog is big on the meal planning train lately, but it would be neglectful to mention that it’s inherently linked to privilege, having the financial means to buy the food you want, in advance, at low prices, and then use the time you probably don’t have (a hot commodity) to plan it all out and account for everyone’s likes, dislikes, allergies, dietary preferences and restrictions, intolerances, food values, etc. For that reason, I’ll share what *I* do for my family, and how it benefits us – please know it may look differently for you.

Grocery Shopping

*Note: I try to stick with the seasons. I don’t buy strawberries in December or pomegranates in July. Winter means we eat a lot more root vegetables than the fresh berries we’re accustomed to in the summer. I offer my kids TONS of dried/frozen fruits too, so when winter comes and their fruititarian lifestyle is threatened, it is not such a shock on their systems. Bulk Barn rocks for a large dried fruit/veggie selection.

For actual planning, I have a special little hack. This $9 book (*affiliate link). It’s small enough to tuck into your purse, and for each 2 page spread you have room to write all your meals on one side, and the grocery list on the other. Easy to refer to when you’re out and about getting supplies, or cooking at home. I also only plan for 3 or 4 days a week, to allow freedom to eat leftovers or cereal or McDonalds because #momlife.

We have 15 or so tried and true meal favourites (spaghetti, breakfast for dinner, tacos, chicken ceaser salad, steak and potatoes, pork and rice, etc) that we rotate around every few weeks, and add in new things every now and again. With my husband working away as often as he does, planning meals in advance is one of the lifelines that keep me sane.

Do you meal plan? Do you find it helpful or overwhelming? Do you like laying it all out in advance or are you more of a “fly by the seat of your pants” kinda person?

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